Monday, June 22, 2009

Singapore Arts Festival 2009 - Opening Ceremony

The event that I went to was the opening ceremony of Singapore Arts Fest at the Marina barrage that kick start the four-weeks of wonderful events organised by the National Art Council Singapore. Prior to this visit, I had not been to any arts festival and I have no idea what are the “Art” things all about. So, with my curious heart i met up with some my friends and off we go to the opening ceremony! When we first arrived at the Marina Bay MRT station, we were greeted by enthusiastic Volunteers who showed us the way to the shuttle bus. They were welcoming and were very helpful in answering some of the questions my course mates posted. After alighting, what come to our sight is another bunch of volunteers that was giving brochures and explaining today's event to some of us.
After getting the brochures, we walked in and were attracted by sound of the drums. We squeezed through the crowd to get a better view of the Chinese drum drummers and we were quite fascinated by their performances. After applauding for the wonderful performance we went to find the 'prefect place' to enjoy the show. We went up the slope only to find that there were already hundreds of people waiting there for the show to start. we have to choice but to stand at the 'not so perfect place' of facing the back of the stage. Finally, 8pm has come and the opening ceremony started!
The first performance was called Hélios II and they are a team of circus artists from France. We got all excited when we saw the gigantic Mantic coming out from one corner. Then, the mantis, carrying a team of performers started to tour around the stage, letting everyone have a good look at it. After touring around, the circus artists 'alight' at the stage and start to perform stuff like juggling and gymnastics. For 45minutes, we were looking at the team of fantastic performers from France and suddenly there was sound of firecrackers! We immediately look at the direction where the sound is and was pleasantly surprised that there were fireworks to mark the end of the opening ceremony. We quickly took out our cameras to take photos and for the moment that the fireworks appear, there were flashlights here and there to capture the breathtaking view.
Audience at the event.

Performers from Hélios II.

Chinese Drums Drummers
Me & my Friend

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