Sunday, June 21, 2009

The 8P's in an event

1. Product
The product that the both the Arts Festivals offers is the experience and atmosphere. As the Art Fest is something that you mainly see (theatre performance), hear (musical) and feel (fireworks), it’s hard to get a lot of tangible product out from it. The experience that one gets at the festival is when they look at the performance, and understand the hard work that performers put into. The experience of amazement on seeing how a beautiful piece of work is put together. For a goal of every event, it’s the atmosphere they are seeking. I think that is one reason why Singapore Arts Fest have a lot of free event for everyone that is interested to get involved. Besides that, for the performances that require money, the atmosphere of having the people that understand the show as you do is a feeling cash cannot buy.
I think that the Singapore Aft Fest did better in term of its product. It offers a wide variety of performances, including a whole lot of outdoor events that startle public crowds like us. For the Singapore Arts Fest, i think they did better in letting the audience have the feel of the atmosphere because they offers a variety of shows ranging from indoor to outdoor while the Galway Arts Fest focus mainly on the indoor performances.
2. Place
The Singapore Art Fest is scattered all over Singapore during its one month of event. From the Esplanade theatre, National Museum of Singapore, Raffles City, to Yishun and Tampines open field, the Singapore Arts Fest is indeed a festival that brings fun and art into our community. Similarly, the Galway Art Fest is also spread throughout the city of Galway during the fortnight of July. From the Festival Big Top (a wide open space area), Town Hall Theatre, to hotels, Galway Art Fest caters to many visitors of different range.

For both events, they did well because they are not stationed at a particular spot and this can helps visitors know more about the city. Although it is not convenient to travel, but as both cities are smaller in scale, the visitors would not have a problem travelling around!

3. People
The people at a festival includes the performers, the co-workers and the audience. They are important as they form a big part in shaping the whole event experience.
For the event I went to for the Singapore Arts Fest, the volunteers were very helpful and friendly. For example, when we reached the marina bay MRT station, there were some volunteers around and were very welcoming. They showed us the way to the bustop that we can take the shutter bus to the marina barrage, it is this feel of welcoming that makes us feels that the event is wonderful, even before we see it. The performers were perfect! They put up a fantastic show for us and trust me when I say they look really amazing up on the stage and it is them who made Art Fest what it is.
Audiences at the Singapore Art Fest was pretty well-behave. Let’s see the video and compare them with the audience at Galway Arts Fest!

Let’s just say they all like to take pictures! =)


4. Programmes
The programmes organize by Singapore Arts Fest mostly revolve around dance, musical, theatre, visual arts and public events. ‘Cullberg Ballet’, ‘Moscow State Chamber Choir’, ‘Electra’ and ‘TransportAsian’ contain famous art works by countries like Sweden, Japan, Moscow and Southeast Asia. With the activities from throughout the world, it is prove that Singapore Art Fest is indeed a fantastic event that aims to let the visitors have a taste of the different culture in a one stop event. With over 50 different events to choose from, visitors should be worried, worried that they cannot chose from the long list of marvellous events! For the opening, Singapore chose to held it at the Marina Barrage and with the Helios team from France and breathtaking firework performance, mark the start of the 4-weeks event in Singapore.

Credit: Wendy's camera

On the other hand, the Galway Art Fest provides yet another round of similar events; they have the musical, theatre &dance and visual art. But! On top of everything Singapore Art Fest offers, they have other programmes like comedy, children’s theatre and talks/literature. From the programme list, one can easily tell that they are most sophisticated than the Singapore Arts Fest and it is undeniable that Galway Art Fest provides a more interesting programmes list, however, all that programmes that they offers are mainly from the European countries. This prevented the visitors that visit Galway Art Fest from having to see what is happening to the art industry in other part of the world.
For both events, they provide a list of free event for the public to take part in together. I think that they are trying to make everyone involve in the event and have them to join in the fun in the world of the Art.

5. Partnerships
Partnerships are essential in an event because they are the ones that provide the event with money and aids in the funding process. Because both of the Art Fest and the Galway Arts Fest are ‘not-for-profit organisation’, they do not have the ability to fork out the large amount of money needed to fund the event. For example, the Galway Arts Fest needs a total of €2.25 million to produce. With the help of sponsors and partners, it can help the organiser find enough money to fund the event. By partnering another company could benefit the event in terms of the promotion. For example, partnering with some media could bring in more exposure for your event. Let’s look at some sponsors and partners of both events:

I think that Galway Arts Festival did a little bit better because its partnership contains of a lot more media and this help them gain a wider exposure to the public compared to the Singapore Arts Fest.
Besides having sponsors, both the event had 'friends' online. They are famous internet sites and by partnering them, the events will gain more exposure.
For the Singapore Arts Fest, their friends are; Facebook,twitter and flickr.
For the Galway Arts FEst, their friends are; Facebook, myspace and bebo.

6. Promotion (Communication)
For the promotion of Singapore Art Fest, banners and posters was put up around corners of Singapore, but not extensively. For those who like watching TV (like me), it is not hard to see that the Singapore Art Fest have not done many advertising on the TV which is considered the most powerful advertising tool. However, I understand that advertisements have been made on newspaper to inform the public about the event. But this I feel, is not enough, as the newspaper only capture information but not the sound and visual excitement that will get the people excited.
On the other hand looking at the Galway Art Fest, there were even write outs on the internet news website and newspaper about the event and the programmes that were lined up. However, like the Singapore Arts Fest, few advertisements were made on the TV.

Poster of the event:

In addition in promoting their event through the use of the media, both the events had partnerships with famous internet sites like Facebook, twitter,flickr, bebo and Myspace. This allows more individuals to know about the event and for this, i think both organisers did great.

For both of the event, they had their official website that allows interested parties to gain access to the additional information like the programme list and what the event is all about. This is a good way to advertise the event as it is a one stop site for the public to know more.
For other promotion efforts, Singapore Art Fest did pretty well. Offers and discounts were given if one presents their Art Fest ticket to the collaborating retail shops and hotels.
Discounts were also given to many like students, club members and group bookings. This discounts effort helped in getting more people to the event as prices are cheaper. However, for the Galway Art Fest, no discounts was given to any and this may cause the event to lose potential visitors as prices can go up to as high as €44.50.

7. Packaging and distribution
For the packaging and distribution, Singapore Arts Fest package its events with many of our local attraction like the Marina Barrage and Esplanade theatre. Besides attracting crowds that are curious and interested about the venues, packaging itself with the different venues adds as a catalysis that will help lift the atmosphere to the limit! Similarly, the Galway Arts Fest organizes its activity throughout the whole city and every year without fail at their famous Festival Big Top. It;s a wide open space that allows thousands of people to stand and enjoy the performance.
For distribution, both the event did pretty well. Besides the normal by phone booking and going to the ticketing office, both event provides a online site for people to book their tickets through the internet which made it more convenient.
For the Singapore Arts festival, they corporate with SISTIC, the largest ticketing office in Singapore and can be found in almost everywhere. This made it very convenient for Singaporeans to purchase the tickets. Besides that, they also have their ticketing booth in Malaysia and Indonesia.

On top of that, guests who are interested to go to an event last minute can purchase the tickets at the performance venue.
What Galway did extra for the booking was that they allow people to mail them their booking. However, they only had one ticketing booth for people to purchase their tickets. I feel that this is not to the convenience to all as people living too far from the event cannot get their ticket instantly.
For the promotion and distribution, I think that Singapore Arts Fest have done better in terms of sales promotion and distribution of the tickets. They had more discounts for the public and the tickets are convenient to get than the ones at Galway Arts Fest.

8. Price
Prices of events at the Singapore Arts Festival ranges from SGD 100 to as low as SDG16. However, concessions were given to many like the early bird discounts and group booking discounts. For members buying four tickets or more and before the period of 4-8th March a 30% off will be given! It is indeed a great deal as membership of the ArtFest Club is free! For members buying tickets to three to one shows, don’t worry discounts of 25-20% are still given. After the period of 4-8th March, there is around round of discounts that is up to 25% off and is open to the public! How great is that!

As a student, I will feel that the price tag of $100 is too expensive, but I do believe that the performance is worth the money.
For Galway Arts Fest, the most expensive tickets were €44.50 and their cheapest ticket was €5.00. I think that their price range is almost the same as Singapore Arts Fest, however, SAF offers a great deal of discounted prices whereas the Galway Arts Fest comes in a net prices which are still subjected to service charges through online, mailing and phone booking.

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